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15 March 2022

J. Lynn Bailey will be discussing her book: Standing Sideways

In honor of International Women's History Month we would like you to join us for a celebration and presentation by local best-selling author, J. Lynn Bailey.

11:00 am – 1:00 pm
In the Multicultural & Diversity Center (LRC102) or via Zoom.

Register in advance for this meeting and join us for lunch: http://redwoods-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArc-qvrjIrHdbKZ75Ajgp0aaJsbsK0SCOC

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

J. Lynn (Jenn) is a bestselling, award-winning author, who is a member of the Women's Fiction Writers Association. She's a mother of two beautiful children, one needy cat, and an Australian Shepherd named Doc. She's also a wife to her high school sweetheart. She lives with her family in a small town tucked away in the redwood forest, located on California's northern coast.

Jenn is also an alumnus of College of the Redwoods, a former student athlete on the Women's Basketball team and a former longtime employee of CR also. Jenn has written many books and is a quite accomplished woman.

Kintay Johnson, Ph. D, Director of Multicultural and Diversity
(707) 476-4255 | kintay-johnson@shuwukeji.com | LRC 102
For updates follow us at: mccredwoods

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